Sunday, October 30, 2016

Time is free, but it's priceless

August 28-September 10
Do you know how many great chefs  there are living in Las Vegas?  I'm not talking about those working in 5 star restaurants on the Las Vegas strip. I'm talking about members of the San Miguel Ward, the Shadow Mountain stake and the Highland Hills stake.
The day I came home from the hospital the food started to arrive.  Delicious meals,  hearty soups, fresh baked breads, cookies and cakes, succulent fruits, healthy nuts, and sumptuous cheeses. It was as if we were living in a giant buffet.  Doug and I were fed so well it kind of seemed like Christmas around here.  You know when all your neighbors and friends are dropping off yummy treats.  It was like that, but better, because  along with the treats we had delicious home cooked meals.  Seriously, it was such a relief to have dinners taken care of during those first few weeks.  How blessed we are to have so many wonderful friends.  We were indeed well fed.   To be honest though, I wasn't too hungry.  Pain medications and the worrisome thoughts kept my appetite at bay.  I was hungry for a different kind of food though, and let me tell you, those same folks who brought over meals and many others brought me just what I needed most. Friendship.  I arrived home from the hospital on Sunday afternoon and within minutes visitors began dropping by.  I know for some a string of guests might have been overwhelming, but for me that constant stream of guests provided joy.  At the risk of sounding trite, I am a people person. Okay, if you know me, are you laughing. I love to meet new people, I love to contact old friends and mostly I love to talk to people.   My mother had professional pictures done of me of my when I was a baby.  I was fat and bald  and because she had four sons and only one daughter she taped a pink bow to my head.  I'm not joking.  Funnier still is the prop she gave me for those photos.  A pink phone rattle.  I was probably two or three months old but I have that little phone positioned just right in those pictures as if I am talking to my best girlfriend.   Even then I knew where I was headed. Give me a couple of friends and a few hours to kill and all is right in my world. So in those days that followed the surgery the visits brought me just what I  needed.   Friends from church, from work, and the neighborhood dropping by to assure me I was in their prayers.  These words lifted my spirit as I knew of their sincerity.  Friends from across the miles and oceans away sending messages via email, snail mail and facebook. Almost all of them ending their note with, "My family is praying for you," or "You are in my prayers nightly."

On Monday Doug had to go to work.  I was still pretty messed up. Pain medications making me foggy and a shark bite (as we jokingly called it) where my left breast used to be kept me somewhat sedentary.  In came my girls.  Just when I thought I couldn't possibly  be the recipient of another blessing I was told I wouldn't be alone while Doug was at work.  I would have my girlfriends with me to pass the time. Gloria and Kristie had the day shift, followed by Dee during the after school hours. Every day these angels came and attended to my every need.  Flora Fauna and Merryweather come to mind. I could never do enough or say enough to thank them. Talk about laying up your treasures in heaven.  These women are true examples of Christlike love and service.
My friend Jori placed my name on every operating U.S. Temple's prayer roll.
As I have gotten older I recognize the sweet truth in something my father used to tell me, "Time is free, but it's priceless."  When I was young I didn't really understand what he meant and thought he just wanted me to slow down and spend more time with him and my mom.  That was probably in part true. Now, I realize the subtle implications of that phrase.  When a person gives you their time they are giving you something they can never get back or replace.  It is a real and personal sacrifice to give in that way.  When I think of the countless prayers said in my behalf, the countless temple roles on which my name was placed, the meals prepared, the notes written, the thoughtful posts made on facebook, the friendly visits- the sum of those accumulated minutes overwhelms me.  How can I live my life in a way that truly expresses my thanks? I am not sure exactly, but heaven knows I will keep trying.

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